Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The REAL Final Update

I wanted to show the final version of Illuminated before I stop posting here.

I fixed a few bugs a couple days ago. All but one bug have been fixed in this version and it runs very smoothly. Well I'm done working on this game, going to make something much better next year. Too bad this version isn't the one that was submitted to get marked.

Illuminated Trailer Version 2:

Thanks to everyone that worked on the game:

Well guess this is my last post. Thanks everyone! See ya!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Final Update + First Trailer

The game has been going very well, I have got most of the graphics to program in. I'm very happy with the graphics for the game, though it would be nice to have more graphics and to have gotten them earlier.

I ended up not using any code except for the fmod code from the assistant programmers. It was my mistake not monitor them more thoroughly and also not giving them a detailed expectations document. I ended up redoing some of the sub-programs and I didn't use some other ones.

The audio guy and I ended up doing the in-game HUD since there were some issues with the previous HUD.

There is still more work to do for the game. Only the requirements and a few other goodies have been completed for submission. For the presentation we are going to add a lot more features to it make it look nice. I'm going to be adding in glowing, and other special effects to make the game look more professional. I will also include more elements to the game play, such as more power-ups. There's only two more days to go!! I can do it!!


PS: The trailer is outdated now lol

Monday, April 4, 2011

Success but still not satisfied...

The game is looking very good and apparently, according to other groups, other GDW games don't have proper physics and linear algebra. Knowing that I have spent a lot of time on those parts and getting them done, I'm very proud that our game may be one of the few groups with proper/realistic linear algebra and physics.

I've loaded in some media items and the game looks and feels much better than before. Now we got cool looking graphics and sweet 3D sound. Still there are more media items coming (yes!). They are easy for me to code in and they make the game look ten times better.

I can finally spend time on coding in goodies such as more cool power-ups, special effects, more cut-scenes, etc.

I'm still not satisfied because there is much more I want to add to the game like real glowing, bump mapping and a bunch of cool features but there isn't enough time. The game is below my expectations but I'll still keep adding more to it but judging by the time left we have to submit this project; it wouldn't be enough time to add all the elements I want in the game.

Here's some screenshots of the game so far. I'm still waiting on our group slug to send me the HUD and menu for the game. That's why they are missing from the screenshots.